Our People to Live Stronger & Longer

Closing the Gap on Indigenous Health Conference

The Closing the Gap on Indigenous Health Conference was held on the 30th and 31st of July in Brisbane. Delegates in Aboriginal health from across the country gathered to discuss the Closing the Gap Report and its failures to address health inequity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The format of the conference was collaborative with panels and yarning circles aimed at addressing the failures of the Closing the Gap campaign and spring-boarding solutions. AH&MRC staff members, Lucy, Nina and Sophie, attended the conference and several AH&MRC’s members were speakers over the two-day conference. Our Members contributions to discussions over the two days were invaluable and highlighted the great work NSW Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) are doing in closing the gap.

ACCHSs achieving self-determination was another key priority addressed at the Closing the Gap conference. On the second day of the conference, Orange Aboriginal Medical Service (OAMS), discussed how OAMS diversified their service in order to become more self-sufficient. OAMS has introduced the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) into its service as a result of community needs. Not only has the provision of this service allowed OAMS to be able to better service their local community, but it has also increased funding as a result of more patients coming through the service doors.

In their presentation, the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Network (ADAN) had a yarn about self-determination and their plans of becoming an incorporated body. ADAN was created by AH&MRC to provide a forum for Aboriginal Drug & Alcohol workers to share information, access professional and cultural support and discuss issues affecting their workforce and Aboriginal communities in NSW.

ADAN discussed how closing the gap on Indigenous health meant adopting a holistic approach aimed at addressing social and emotional health as well as physical health. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people often turn to drugs and alcohol as a result of feeling disconnected from their culture and land. ADAN discussed how their treatment approach aims to reconnect Aboriginal people to their culture through individual therapy and therapeutic communities (residential rehabs).

It’s been 11 years since Close The Gap was introduced and the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations has widened, not closed. This is because Aboriginal Medical Services and their respective communities have not been in charge of their own health outcomes. In order to bridge the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, Indigenous health needs to be community controlled.

Lucy Butler – AH&MRC
Sophie Scobie – AH&MRC

World No Tobacco Day 2019

To promote World No Tobacco Day 2019, AH&MRC and members launched their first-ever Twitter Festival in collaboration with Croakey. The World No Tobacco Day 2019 Twitter Festival was used as a springboard to discuss important issues in the Aboriginal health space linked to smoking. The hashtags #YourHealthYourFuture and #CommunityControl were used to connect conversations between speakers on the day.

World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) 2019 provided the ideal platform to talk about the ongoing health risk to Aboriginal communities presented by smoking. While smoking rates in Indigenous communities have halved since 1994, a disproportionate amount of Aboriginal people still smoke. Speakers on the day, including Amy McQuire and Dr Gillian Gould, discussed the importance of closing the gap on discriminatory health care practices by involving Aboriginal communities in smoking cessation programs from the outset.

Community Control of Aboriginal health was a key discussion point of the WNTD 2019 Twitter Festival. Speakers on the day highlighted the importance of putting Aboriginal health back in Aboriginal hands. This approach has been proven to have better health outcomes for Aboriginal communities than a top-down policy approach. Our Member services, Waminda and Galambila – through their Ready Mob initiative, used their platform on the day to discuss the importance of empowering Aboriginal people to make informed decisions about their health.

Another important discussion on the day was the 715 comprehensive medical assessment for Aboriginal Australians. Early detection of health issues is vital to ensure better health outcomes for Aboriginal people. Aboriginal Health GP, Dr Tim, was an important spokesperson for 715 health checks on the day. Tim’s tweets discuss the importance of tailoring Aboriginal health care to Aboriginal people and bolstering Aboriginal community-based healthcare initiatives.

The Twitter festival was a huge success. The event trended nationally by 9:30 am and generated sustained engagement throughout the day. The Twitter Festival engaged hundreds of participants, delivered 17 million Impressions and produced over 2,000 tweets using the hashtags #CommunityControl and #YourHealthYourFuture. AH&MRC would like to thank all the speakers and participants who got involved on the day. Without you, the WNTD 2019 Twitter Festival would not have been possible!