To our valued Members and supporters, the AH&MRC is thrilled to announce that we have secured Nicole Turner as our Chief Executive Officer.
Author: Ashleigh Brissett
Driver Licensing Access Program (DLAP)
The Driver Licensing Access Program (DLAP) is a FREE program providing support to people in NSW who face extra challenges in getting a licence.
DLAP is available to:
- Aboriginal communities
- refugee and resettlement communities
- communities who have limited access to transport options or who are geographically disadvantaged
- vulnerable young people
- other people experiencing social and economic hardship.
The program can help you with:
- getting a learner licence
- getting on-road driving experience
- progressing to a provisional licence
- regaining a licence.
Birrang will give culturally appropriate support to get you on the road, driving safely.
We will help you with:
- understanding road rules and road safety
- improving reading, writing and computer skills to prepare you for licence tests
- meeting licence application requirements (e.g. getting identification documents)
- communicating with Service NSW and other government organisations
- accessing roadworthy vehicles
- helping to manage fines and debts to allow you to get your licence.
Birrang will be back in Gunnedah delivering their program from Monday to Fridays.
Registration Information:
Date: Tuesday 21 January
Venue: Gunida Gunyah
Address: 167-169 Conadilly Street
Contact: Kyle Croaker – 0417 599 852
Visit Driving Programs | Birrang Enterprise Development Company Ltd for more information.
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
The NDIS Commission is an Australian Government agency within the Social Services portfolio. It helps to protect the rights of people who receive NDIS support and/or services, and promotes their health, safety and wellbeing. It is the national regulator of NDIS support and service providers.
They work to ensure providers and workers know and follow the quality and safety rules help with, and respond to issues, complaints and serious incidents register, regulate NDIS providers Australia-wide, and educate and inform NDIS service providers, workers, participants and the community about the NDIS Commissions’ quality and safety rules.
The NDIS Commission is working towards ensuring culturally safe, nationally consistent, responsive and effective regulation of NDIS supports and services.
NDIS Plan Management
Incident reporting, management and prevention
First Nations Communities
Code of Conduct
ASTI participant Information Pack
On Country Program (OCP): Biosecurity
Are you ready for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Don’t miss out on this chance to care for Country. Apply now and take the first step towards an exciting career as a Biosecurity Officer.
This unique nationally accredited course not only prepares you for a rewarding career but also allows you to directly apply for the Biosecurity Officer role through a merit-based DAFF recruitment program embedded into the course.
Read more information here.
Important Dates:
Information session: 12th February 2025 (required for applying to the program)
EOI close date: 18th February
Coaching interview: Between 13th-18th February 2025
Course start date: March 2025
Course end date: June 2025
Summer Internship for Indigenous Peoples in Genomics (SING) Australia 2025
SING is a week-long workshop and mentoring program that covers technical and laboratory skills in genomics as well as theory, ethical and social implications of genomic research and the benefits and risks of genomics for Indigenous peoples. Despite the importance of genomics for Indigenous people and communities, Indigenous people are currently underrepresented in this field. SING aims to develop and support the next generation of Indigenous researchers and professionals to ensure that future genomic research is ethical and inclusive.
The goals of SING Australia:
- Equip Indigenous individuals and communities with technical and contextual knowledge about genomic research;
- Build capacity for Indigenous students and researchers in genomics and related disciplines, including bioethics and science and technology studies (STS);
- Facilitate conversations on how Indigenous knowledge and culture can and should impact on genomic research;
- Form a SING network and web interface to facilitate communication and support surrounding genomics issues;
- Begin conversations about best practices for Indigenous genomics in Australia.
Who can apply:
We are seeking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants from varied backgrounds (e.g. community, professionals, students, researchers) who may be involved in:
- medicine, nursing, allied health
- biology, genetics
- humanities, law, social sciences
- archaeology, museum studies
- environmental management, biodiversity studies
- family history, genealogy, family reconnection services.
The SING Australia program is intended to be a multi-disciplinary experience. If you are interested in learning about and discussing genomic research and its implications for Indigenous people and communities, please apply.
How to apply:
Applications for SING Gimuy have been reopened with limited availability. Only applications from Indigenous individuals will be considered.
Please submit your application here:
SING Gimuy applications will close February 28th 2025. Spots are limited.
Want to know more? Visit their website @
Circles in the Sand Pre-Employment Program
The Circles in the Sand Pre-Employment Program is a joint initiative between Youth Justice NSW and the AH&MRC.
Circles in the Sand has been designed to give practical skills and workplace experience to Aboriginal People, who are interested in gaining a rewarding Career as a Youth Officer at Youth Justice NSW.
Online information sessions: 5th February 2025 at 12:00pm-1:00pm or 6:00pm-7:00pm.
If you are interested in participating in this pre-enrolment program then please complete the EOI form today by scanning the QR code on the flyer.
Check out the flyer.
Free Suicide Prevention Training
Opening conversations around suicide is vital to increase awareness and help prevent suicide in our communities – but knowing exactly what to do that can help can be daunting.
Over 10 million Australian adults are estimated to know someone who has died by suicide.
One in two your people are impacted by suicide by the time they turn 25 and around 8-9 lives are lost by suicide every day.
Wesley Lifeforce Suicide Prevention training educates people about suicide, challenging attitudes and teaches basic engagement and suicide intervention skills.
You will gain increased confidence in your ability to identify people who may be at risk of suicide, communicate appropriately, ask a person if they are considering suicide and conduct a suicide intervention.
Course Date: Friday 7 February
Time: 9:00am – 1:30pm
Location: Riverwood Community Centre
Trainer: Maria Krohn
Cost: Free
Apply today: Click here.
This program is accredited with Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP), assessed against the Suicide Prevention Australia Standards for Quality Improvement.
Hot Weather Safety: How to Stay Well this Summer
NSW has already been experiencing days of extreme heat in the last few weeks. This summer, further heat extremes and subsequent bushfire risks are expected, which can have devastating effects on individuals and communities. Everybody needs to be prepared but especially those who are older, have kids, are pregnant, have health issues, or work outdoors.
To help your community to Beat the Heat:
- Give advice on staying indoors during the hottest part of the day, limiting physical activity to the cooler morning hours and finding shade if they are outside
- Encourage everyone to drink water regularly, even if they don’t feel thirsty. Babies, children and older people are particularly vulnerable to dehydration in hot weather.
- Remind those in your community to keep homes cool by closing curtains, using AC or fans, and offer other tips on keeping cool.
- Help patients understand how heat affects their health, especially if they have a medical condition.
- In case of emergencies or power failure, help patients to plan ahead with access to adequate supply and appropriate storage of their medications.
- Encourage everyone to regularly monitor the weather to prepare for severe conditions in advance. See our useful resources below.
- Promote the importance of staying connected with family, friends and elders.
To prepare communities for Bushfire Smoke:
- Give advice on smoke’s health impact available on the NSW Health website: Protect yourself from bushfire smoke
- Discuss updating health action plans particularly Asthma Action Plans and COPD Action Plans.
- Promote checking local air quality levels regularly using the NSW Air Quality website and adjust their activities accordingly.
Some useful resources for helping communities stay safe this summer include:
- Bureau of Meteorology Warnings Summary– check the latest extreme weather warnings including heatwaves, bushfires, wind and floods
- HeatWatch– calculates a personalised heat health risk and provides a list of cooling strategies for your risk category. It also provides an hourly heat health risk forecast that can be used to plan outdoor and indoor activities.
- NSW Air Quality– stay informed about your local air quality readings
- Live Traffic NSW – check for up-to-date road conditions and closures around you
And don’t forget the AH&MRC Emergency Activation Framework & Appendix is a practical planning tool supporting ACCHOs to respond to emergencies and natural disasters and available on our website or can be provided as a hardcopy by emailing
Have fun and stay safe this summer!
Emergency Response Resources
For Emergency Accomodation:
- If you need emergency housing accommodation | NSW Government
- If you urgently need accommodation, call Link2home on 1800 152 152 for an information and telephone referral service open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For Emergency Help in Floods and Storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500
- Listen to your local radio station
- Follow local updates at
- Learn about your risk at
- Check latest weather, warnings, rainfall and river heights at
- Check road closures at or call 132 701
Mental Health Support
- If in immediate danger – call 000
- Speak to your doctor or Aboriginal Health Worker
- Visit your local Aboriginal Medical Service
- Call 13YARN, run by Aboriginal people, on 13 92 76 .
Household help/food and all daily life needs
- Ask Izzy to find more information on support services
Flood Recovery Help
For emergency help in bushfires
To report a bushfire – call 000 or if you’re hearing impaired call 108
- Check the Fires Near Me page for current incidents
- Listen to local media
- Check social media such as NSW RFS Facebook and NSW RFS Twitter
- Bush Fire Information Line – 1800 679 737
- If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, contact RFS through the National Relay Service
- TTY users phone 1800 555 677 then ask for 1800 679 737
- Speak and Listen users phone 1800 555 727 then ask for 1800 679 737
- Internet relay users connect to the NRS then ask for 1800 679 737
- To report a fire or emergency (TTY users only), access TTY 106.
- For information on what to do before a fire
- What to do during a fire
- Once the fire has passed
Before/During Emergencies
- Free translation and interpreter 24-hour helpline TIS National 131 450
The GOANNA3 study aims to understand the social and behavioural factors related to Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 16-29.
AH&MRC is again participating in the co-ordination of this important survey. You can see previous survey results for GOANNA2 here.
This year, a new online version is now available– here is the survey link!
Below, you can find posters that can be displayed in your services (bathrooms/clinic rooms etc) with a QR code linking to the survey so young people can complete it online and go into the draw to win 1 of 10 $250 vouchers.