Our People to Live Stronger & Longer

The Deadly Ninja Warrior scored goals at the 2019 Koori Knockout

The Your Health Your Future (YHYF) Ambassador Jack Wilson, the ‘’Deadly Ninja Warrior’’ scored goals at the 2019 Koori Knock Out (KKO) in Tuggerah on the Central Coast of NSW. With little time and not enough of the Deadly Ninja Warrior to go around, Jack ochred-up, shook a leg, had a yarn and pulled in a crowd.

Jack’s main message was:

‘’Your health is very important. When I talk about health I’m talking about, mind, body and spirit, so make sure you train, you eat healthy, you respect others and you respect the land ok. Your Health Your Future! Get your health checkup! Stay deadly!’’

It was great catching up with AH&MRC Member Services at the KKO. Many of the staff enjoyed yarning and getting a photo with the Deadly Ninja Warrior.  Over the three days, AH&MRC shared a tent with the Bellbrook Bulldogs, giving out YHYF resource packs. Prizes for participating in the YHYF video campaign included YHYF shirts and drink bottles.

AH&MRC also offered free ear health screening, checking for hearing loss and ear health problems. As we know ear health problems can have a large impact on speech and educational development of children, adversely affecting their social interactions, employment and wellbeing. AH&MRC successfully screened 20 children and 10 adults.

Congrats to the winners of the women’s footy comp, the Wellington Wedgetails and winners of the men’s comp, South Coast Black Cockatoos.

Photos from the KKO are featured in the YHYF Health Your Future campaign video https://youtu.be/8vW6RCOaqxs

Authors – AH&MRC Public Health Team.
