Our People to Live Stronger & Longer


2024 Seasonal Influenza Preparedness Toolkit

AHMRC Resource

This resource is designed to assist Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) to tailor plans intended to protect their communities from influenza and other respiratory viruses in anticipation of the annual influenza season.

Key features of the Toolkit:

  • Alignment with RACGP pandemic influenza preparedness guidelines, NSW Health influenza pandemic plan, and Australian infection prevention and control standards for healthcare settings
  • Regular updates to reflect the latest seasonal changes and recommendations
  • Detailed information on influenza symptoms, treatment options, and prevention strategies
  • An Influenza checklist to ensure ACCHOs implement all recommended measures each flu season

This toolkit is readily accessible online via the AH&MRC website and hard copies can be ordered through the AH&MRC Shop with free delivery to AH&MRC member services.