BHP’s Vital Resources Fund will provide more than $3.3 million (AUD) in funding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander controlled community health services across Australia, as part of new partnerships established to support communities through the COVID-19 pandemic.
The funding will support peak Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health councils and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical services to continue to support and deliver high quality and comprehensive primary health care services, distribute supplies and inform communities on how to minimise the spread of COVID-19 and keep their communities safe.
AH&MRC’s CEO Robert Skeen said: “This is not business as usual and we need to do more to support access to equitable healthcare for Aboriginal Communities. This funding will help Aboriginal Medical Services in NSW have the resources they need to operate and continue to work through these challenging times, as they deliver primary comprehensive health care to Communities.
We want to take this opportunity to thank BHP for establishing the Vital Resources Fund and new partnerships with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services. We appreciate their support, as we support our Member Services to respond to the impacts of COVID-19, and keep Aboriginal people safe, and healthy.”
BHP’s Acting President Operations Minerals Australia Edgar Basto said: “BHP is proud to support the vital work of the Indigenous-led health sector with funds to address the needs identified by Indigenous peoples. BHP is determined to play our part in the collective response to COVID-19, and a critical area is how we support our regional and remote Aboriginal communities at this challenging time.”
The $50 million Vital Resources Fund was established last month to support regional health services and providers, community organisations, Aboriginal communities and local businesses deal with the impacts of COVID-19.
For further details please contact AH&MRC by phone on 02 9212 4777 or email on