AH&MRC attended Maruuma-Li Aboriginal Corporation (MLAC) in Coonabrarabran in collaboration with Tamworth Aboriginal Medical Service (TAMS) to assist with NAIDOC community day events. The primary purpose of this visit was to support MLAC by conducting health checks for the community, demonstrating to potential funders the need for Aboriginal health services in Coonabrarabran.
In addition to health checks, we engaged with community members to understand their health concerns, promoted the importance of regular check-ups, and distributed health education materials. Promotional stalls were set up for the “Our Healthy Kids” program to engage families and promote child health, as well as for sexual health and ear health promotional materials. The NAIDOC day communty event saw significant participation, highlighting demand for health services. The collected data will be help for advocating increased funding and support for MLAC.
On the day we had 22 individuals see a Dr and a further 6 had an assessment.
A massive shoutout to Paige Dowd, from Maruuma-Li Aboriginal Corporation and Katrina Millgate, Breanna Sanderson, Dr. Ruoshi Cui of Tamworth AMS.