“I am thrilled to attain my Aboriginal Healthcare Worker (AHW) Certificate III qualification. It has definitely been a journey for me, juggling work, education and becoming a mum again for the 6th time to my beautiful daughter.
I love my AHW role at Darrimba Maarra (Durri’s Health Outpost) as I get to work with and for my people to try to achieve the health outcomes they deserve.
I want to thank Premi Sivanesan, Traci Arkinstall and Kristilee Cruse at the AH&MRC, your support to help me finalise all the requirements are very much appreciated. I would also like to especially thank Dea Thiele for your support in helping me achieve my competencies, that has been invaluable. Finally, I would like to thank Durri for this great opportunity.
I’m looking forward to my next journey of attaining the AHW Certificate IV in PHC Practice which I want to commence in 2021.
Bring on 2021!” Celia Griffen – Darrimba Maarra
Find out more about how you can attain a certifciation through AH&MRC’s RTO, contact Premi Sivanesan by emailing Premi Sivanesan psivanesan@ahmrc.org.au or calling (02) 9212 4777.