Our People to Live Stronger & Longer


Compliance team operates as a specialised team dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of Member Services through programs and training. Its primary focus is to support ACCHOs in delivering improved service quality, increasing revenue, ensuring financial sustainability, and enhancing clinical governance through continuous quality improvement activities.

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is an activity undertaken within a health service where the primary purpose is to monitor, evaluate or improve the quality of healthcare and services delivered by the Aboriginal Community Control Organisations (ACCHS).

The primary aim of CQI is to build the capability and capacity of AH&MRC member services to undertake these improvements.

ACCHS service standards are constantly changing and CQI systems enable us to ensure that we are providing the most effective service possible and are ensuring that our work is impacting on the community positively.

A CQI activity /project includes service staff to participate in a process. CQI is the responsibility of clinical health, and organisational business, service staff and should be driven by a CQI plan. Clinical and Business Audits, and re-audits are the gold standard ways of assessing and improving services. The process is continuous. CQI activities / projects often follows a method or cycle, such as the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA)
ACCHSs need to engage in quality improvement activities to improve organisational business, systems areas such as service structures, quality and safety for the community and clinical care. Achieving improvements requires the collaborative effort of the whole service team and all members of the team should feel empowered to contribute.

AHMRC service support teams are committed to supporting Members services and primary care through a step-by-step process to identify areas for improvement, implement change and develop a quality improvement plan that addresses a priority area specific to your organisation and primary care setting.

AHMRC provides a range of services to our ACCHSs members to ensure they are strong, thriving, sustainable community-controlled organisations.

It is AHMRCs vision that all ACCHSs have the capacity, resources, skills, and knowledge needed to provide excellence in consistently providing high quality services to their communities.

CQI Collaborative Workshop

A CQI Collaborative has been established in order to share knowledge on CQI and to further build and facilitate the relationship between AH&MRC and its member services.

On 4th and 5th April, 2023 the Service Performance and Quality Team (SPQ) hosted a two-day CQI Collaborative conference to workshop current CQI approaches and updates through discussions amongst those who attended. The workshop was held in Sydney and attended by 12 representatives across 6 ACCHOs. AH&MRC staff chaired the meeting, with QIP Consulting facilitating. CQI Collaborative meetings will continue to be held quarterly.

CQI State Forum

CQI State Forum

AH&MRC hosted its annual Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) State Forum on the 24th and 25th of May, 2023. This forum, held in Sydney, provided an exciting opportunity for ACCHS staff to learn and discuss how ACCHSs can incorporate CQI processes and procedures into their normal practice and service delivery. It provided a platform to ensure that initiatives across the state are being showcased and Services are provided with guidance on how to implement best practice. AH&MRC also presented CQI awards to acknowledge the outstanding work that Member Services have accomplished over the past year. This year’s theme was ‘Enhancing Operations’. 65 staff across 30 Member Services from all over the state attended, the highest attendance in 3 years.

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The Business Support program seeks to provide Member Services with access to the knowledge, support, tools, resources and training required to safeguard the long-term sustainability of the ACCHS sector in NSW. Key activities include workshops, seminars, educational sessions and ongoing business based assistance.